
Martin Mc Guinness, Historical leader of Sinn Féin, determined and passionate (Pierre Laurent)

It is with a great emotion and sadness that I heard that Martin Mc Guinness passed away.

Historical leader of Sinn Féin, Martin Mc Guinness was also a very important Statesman in Northern Ireland where, with passion and determination, he did the utmost to preserve and consolidate the peace and reconciliation process initiated in 1998, prospecting the reunification of Ireland.

As Sinn Féin and the Irish people are paying tribute to Martin Mc Guinness, I want, on behalf of the French Communist Party, to honour and remember him, and send my sincerest condolences to Declan Kearney and to Sinn Féin leadership and members, and to his family and his close friends.

In these very painful circumstances for the Irish people I also wish to express PCF unfailing solidarity to Sinn Féin.

Pierre Laurent, National Secretary of PCF

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Martin Mc Guinness, Historical leader of Sinn Féin, determined and passionate (Pierre Laurent)

le 22 mars 2017

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