
“L’Humanité”, always a challenge!

The question of the existence and independence of l'Humanité is on the table; the only national daily paper that is not in the hands of a financial holding, the newspaper founded by Jean Jaurès is an essential part of democratic debate. Without this voice, what reality for pluralism and independent journalism – free from the powers of finance? Members of the French Communist Party and progressives in or country can – must give a forthright answer to this question, and we call upon them to act.

We call on them to contribute. This is urgent in our current situation. Everyone can participate according to his or her means (a small or large contribution) in the weeks to come.

We call on them to subscribe. This will give us the means necessary to analyse the news on social and political struggles, to understand the stakes, to get a handle on the issues. It gives us the means to efficiently share Communist ideas, in the singular format of a daily paper. In a complex political situation, we all need to be able to provide arguments and examples in discussions with others, and we need access to a wealth of diverse approaches in criticism of the existing order.

We call on them to organise distribution and find new readers. This will enable the paper to keep going and also promote this tool that is so useful in our ideological battle. What better way to counter the “ready to think”, pre-digested pap spooned out by the MEDEF employers’ association and other neo-liberals on other media?

Communists, as they prepare for the upcoming Congress, engaged in the struggle against the draft labour law, along with trade unionists and youth … and in assemblies to build an alternative on the left, will have opportunities to bring up the question of media, pluralism of information and the utility of l’Humanité during their encounters.

But, beyond Communists, the National Council of the French Communist Party is calling on activists to make use of l’Humanité in service of their struggles, for that is the very raison d’être of the newspaper! This is how we will ensure, not only its survival, but its development.

Paris, the 15th of April 2016

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“L’Humanité”, always a challenge!

le 26 April 2016

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