
Legislative elections: second round / French Communist Party declaration

The second round of legislative elections next Sunday, 18 June, has taken on special significance following the political upheavals of the first round. It is urgent that we mobilise against the candidates supported by Emmanuel Macron and the Républicains, who are seeking to achieve an overwhelming majority to advance their policies of economic liberalism, and the National Front, who continue to push their ideas of hatred, racism and exclusion.

After the first round, we are facing two major risks.

The first concerns democracy in our country. Indeed, candidates supported by Emmanuel Macron who, in the context of historically high abstention, obtained fewer votes than in the first round of the presidential election, could win 80% of the seats in the National Assembly, or as many as 90% with the Républicains.

The political diversity of our country would thus be erased; in particular, there would be little representation of the left, which earned 9 million votes for the candidates Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Benoît Hamon.

The second risk is that Emmanuel Macron and his Prime Minister from the ranks of the Républicains will use this malfunction of democracy to boost their liberal economic policies and push forward with austerity measures, leading our country into a general social breakdown.

In the face of these two threats, it is urgent that next Sunday, 18 June, wherever they are in the running in the second round, in Metropolitan France and the Overseas Territories, we elect MPs from the Communist Party, the Left Front, la France insoumise and other forces on the left who are willing to join with social forces to fight against the dismantling of the Labour Code through executive orders, the increase of the CSG tax (social security surcharge), the drastic reduction of the number of civil servants, the attack on public services and financing for local authorities, the restriction of public freedoms, and the growing number of policies that support the world of finance.

Victory is possible for candidates of the left and candidates for social progress.

We call on voters who support the left, whether they voted or abstained in the first round, to mobilise around these candidates and elect experienced women and men of the people, who have long fought against austerity and injustice. Women and men who have tirelessly stood for the needs of human beings rather than financial powers. Candidates who have never given up on their values and commitments.

Women and men that citizens can continue to rely on for the future.

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Legislative elections: second round / French Communist Party declaration

le 19 June 2017

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